Splatterhouse Missions
Venom2999, GameHunter
13.07 Мб
Файли в архіві:
Файли відомих розширень, які були знайдені в архіві.
biggym.dff, biggym.txd, chnsaw.dff, chnsaw.txd, chromegun.dff, chromegun.txd, dinput8.dll, fistfite.dat, forgot.dff, forgot.txd, hud.txd, killers_splatterhouse.cs, modloader.asi, particle.txd, rick.dff, rick.txd, silentpatchvc.asi, splatterhouse_script.cs, std.asi.dll, std.bank.dll, std.data.dll, std.fx.dll, std.movies.dll, std.scm.dll, std.sprites.dll, std.stream.dll, std.text.dll, std.tracks.dll, vc.cleo.asi
Всього завантажень: 78
Унікальних завантажень: 58
1 серпня 2023splatterhouse-missions_1690861538_232791.zipПароль на архів: libertycity
Splatterhouse is a side-scrolling beat 'em up game in which the player controls Rick, a parapsychology student trapped in the West Mansion. After being resurrected by the Mask of Terror, Rick makes his way through the mansion, fighting off hordes of creatures in a vain attempt to save Jennifer from a terrible fate. Players in this game will also recognize a number of Western horror movie influences, such as Friday the 13th and Evil Dead 2.
The plot of this mission is similar to Splatter House. After adding this mod you will become a ghost. The ghost mission will take place near the movie studio. In the same mission you need to kill 3 ghosts.
Enter the cheat "RICKTAYLOR" to become a ghost.
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