Vice City Melee Weapons Pack
11 жовтня 2023vice-city-melee-weapons-pack_1696973373_93106.rarПароль на архів: libertycity
11 грудня 2023VC MWP (configured)vice-city-melee-weapons-pack_1702302995_348946.rarПароль на архів: libertycity
[Update 12/11/2023] — Added alternative download for inexperienced personnel, "VC-MWP (configured)" where the added weapons mod is already configured, just for installation.
A good pack of melee weapons taken directly from GTA Vice City and with icons molded to fully adapt to the SA style, I believe that many people felt a certain lack of iconic tools such as the machete, the hammer, and the famous screwdriver.
Fun fact: all of these weapons were originally in GTA SA, but were cut, proof of this is the name of all of them in the "Object.dat" file, so this mod can serve as a beta restoration.
You can install it normally and also add it without replacing it, I recommend you add it for a better experience.
Authors and credits:
- MWP — Modpack: Simca_Diplomata;
- Custom Ammu-nation: cjfan;
- Original weapons: Rockstar Games.
Please! If you are going to post the modpack on another site, give the author credits!
Have a good game!
By: Simca_Diplomatico.
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