Infinity Graphics
New immersive and futuristic graphics. Very good for low end PC.
Installation: Move files inside "Infinity Graphics (move files to SA folder)" to your GTA folder.
Fixes shadow of cars with neon in SAMP, has several texture options of the glow of the car headlights/street lamps, taillights and front lights; Now also fixes the pedestrians traffic light; New graphics and improved timecyc.
Colormod, Project 2DFX, ImVehFt, Timecycle 24h must be installed to be fully functional.
Инструкции по установке
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Розмір файлу:
11.97 Мб
Файл замінює:
(junior_djjr).cs, ...
Дата додавання:
3364 всего
2691 уникальных
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v1.0infinity-graphics_1675109566_985908.zipПароль на архив: libertycity
v1.2infinity-graphics_1695511890_255509.zipПароль на архив: libertycity
Рекомендуемые файлы
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Коментарі 2