Dynamic Camera

9 липня 2022dynamic-camera_1657317271_489490.7z
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Dynamic Camera by Cleoude
It makes the game camera dynamic and lively. A nice mod to add new air to your gameplay.
Cameras have been developed for on foot, swimming, falling, driving, flying, jetpack and cutscene.
There is an ini file to activate or deactivate the cameras as you wish and increase or decrease the intensity.
Cleoude — Script
How to install:
Cleo Required.
Drop the cleo file in the game folder. if you are using mod loader, drop Dynamic to Modloader.
I also added a more shake preset. It's up to you to use it. except that one. You can modify the .ini file as you wish.
Гайди по встановленню модів
Рекомендовані файли

BSOR Vegetation Mod - Dynamic Lighting Version

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