Max Ammo like GTA 5
19 квітня 20221.0gta-v-max-ammo-for-gta-iv-eflc_1650348676_233227.rar
Have you ever feel dissapointed that in GTA 4 & EFLC never let you buy the Real Max Ammo like in GTA 5 or even like in previous GTA games? Despite that can remove the ammo capacity limit after completing 100% both in GTA 4 & EFLC, if you load your game, all the ammo that you bought and/or collected over the limit, will be removed and all the weapons will have the default max ammo limit, making you waste a lot of money, specially if you bought more expensive ammo, like sniper ammo, grenades for the grenade launcher or rockets for the rocket launcher. Without mentioning that after completing 100%, there is literally and obviously nothing else to do in those games, unless that you want to replay the missions from TBOGT or using a trainer to replay also the missions from IV and TLAD with these pointless awards. So I decided to extend those awful ammo capacity limits for all the weapons in GTA 4 & EFLC.
Now, just like in GTA 5, the max ammo is 9999 bullets for all the weapons (pistols, shotguns, sub machine guns, assault rifles and sniper rifles), except the rocket launcher, which I only extended its max ammo limit to 20, also like in GTA 5. The only weapons that I left untouched were the grenade launcher from both TLAD & TBOGT and all the types of grenades (molotovs, grenades, pipe bombs and C4). And the best part of this mod is that you can buy and/or collect this extended max ammo limit from the very beginning of these games, without losing those extended ammo after loading your game.
I also changed the size of the magazines of some weapons, to make the gameplay a little more balance (at least in my own point of view). Those weapons are:
-The Glock 17 clip have now 12 bullets instead of 17.
-The Desert Eagle clip have now 10 bullets instead of 9.
-The CZ-75 Automatic Pistol clip from TLAD have now 15 bullets instead of 17.
-The Pump Shotgun clip have now 6 bullets instead of 8.
-The Semi-Automatic Shotgun from both 4/TBOGT and TLAD have now 8 bullets instead of 10.
-The Striker Automatic Shotgun clip from TLAD have now 10 bullets instead of 8.
-The M249 Light Machine Gun clip from TBOGT have now 100 bullets instead of 200.
-The M4 Assault Rifle clip have now 50 bullets instead of 30.
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