Yankee Heavy Duty
Calvin.linardi, UnitedMel, Rockstar Games
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348.46 Кб
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9 січня 2022yankee-heavy-duty_1641749244_206534.zipПароль на архів: libertycity
gtaforums.comЗавантажитиПароль на архів: libertycity
gtaforums.comЗавантажитиПароль на архів: libertycity
The Yankee Heavy Duty mod brings a powerful and rugged vehicle to the streets of Liberty City in GTA 3. This modified truck is built for durability and off-road performance, making it perfect for navigating the city's tough terrain. With its imposing design and extra modifications, this vehicle adds a new level of excitement to the game. The mod also includes a bonus model for Vice City, giving fans of both games the opportunity to enjoy the Yankee Heavy Duty in another classic setting.
- Six extra modifications: Enhance the vehicle with various upgrades to improve performance and aesthetics.
- Bonus model for Vice City: The mod also includes a version of the Yankee Heavy Duty for GTA Vice City, allowing players to enjoy the truck in another iconic game.
- Durable and off-road capable: Perfect for rough terrain and tough missions in GTA 3.
- High-quality model: Detailed textures and a realistic design that seamlessly fits into the GTA 3 universe.
Installation Instructions:
- Extract the files from the archive.
- Follow the included instructions to install the model into GTA 3.
- Optionally, use the Vice City model with the same process for Vice City.
Enjoy the game!
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