Vice Cry Lite 1.1

The intent of this mod is to provide a great looking vegetation pack for GTA Vice City while keeping the size and performance cost relatively low. It serves as a great alternative to the now taken down mod Vice Cry. Another goal this mod achieves is having more compatibility with other mods without the game crashing, for example, when one tries to install Vice City Neons with Vice Cry the game ends up crashing but this mod doesn't. You are no more required to have a modified executable to play the game with ViceCry vegetation and other map mods no MVL no FLA. It features palm tree LOD system like the original ViceCry.
It just works out of the box considering that you have the pre-requisites for it installed. The mod has been tested and adapted for both the original Vice City map, and the Neo Xbox map. The mod is fully compatible and adapted with VRTP and Vice Mips. The mod is also compatible with Sky Full Of Stars, Vice City Neons, and other various mods that add new objects in the map.
*Fixed grass and extra vegetation disappearing randomly.
*Removed some vanilla vegetation in Washington Mall.
*added important notes section please read it!
Check the readme file for installation.
- Delatom Vione, I ported and reorganized this mod to modloader.
- ViceCry Team, the original authors for Vice Cry Vegetation.
- .M.S, author of generic.txd high resolution textures from VRTP.
быстро и просто
vice-cry-lite-1-1_1700250022_687536.7zЗавантажити (36.24 MB)Пароль на архив: libertycity
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