Focus Mode (VC)
focus-mode-vc_1728983158_61033.zipЗавантажити (0.01 MB)Пароль на архів: libertycity
Ever wanted to use Michael's, Franklin's or Trevor's abilities in the classic GTA games? well now you can!
This allows you to have all 3 abilities at once whether it be Michael's Area Kill, Franklin's Driving Focus or Trevor's Red Mist
How to install: install CLEO and put FocusMode.asi and the CLEO folder in your GTA folder
How to activate: Press "V" to activate Area Kill/Driving Focus
Press "X" to activate Red Mist
Bonus: while the ability is activated in a vehicle you can press the "HORN" button and it will make your vehicle do a jump
Type "POWERUP" to activate instant refill cheat
I tried my best to make this as bug free as possible
There's a configuration file where you can change the screen effect's color and which button to press if you want to change the button you need to press for it then
use the virtual key codes list I provided in the archive and the configuration file is in the cleo folder and it's called "FocusMode.ini"
Enjoy the game!
Seifmagdi — for making double damage and fixing the handling issue
Me — for making this script
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