Vice City Style VCS Redux Mobile 2.0

10 січня
Vice City Style VCS Redux Mobile 2.0 for GTA Vice City (iOS, Android)
Vice City Style VCS Redux is a mod that will make GTA Vice City look like GTA Vice City Stories, as it is much more elaborate since it was released in 2007, 5 years after the original Vice City.
Vehicles were carried over from VCS: Ventoso, Bike, Jetski, Streetfighter, Polaris v8, Air Ambulance, Hearse from LCS, FBI Cruiser from LCS, Airtrain Plummet, Wintergreen, Bulldozer, Little Willie, Forklift and many more...
Other features:
- Fort Baxter's VCS building textures are now ported;
- Diaz's room in Tommy's mansion has also been added;
- Character styling from Vice City Stories;
- Weapons from Vice City Stories;
- Radar icons in Rockstar Leeds game style;
- A pickup save from GTA LCS has also been ported;
- Updated car racing will now be available in the game.
Рекомендовані файли

Повна радіо -крадіжка Auto Vice City

Збірка атмосферних машин у стилі Vice City

Будівлі з GTA Vice City Stories

Vice City: Beta Edition (версія Android)

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Liberty City (Android port)

Raccoon City Stories (android)

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GTA: Історії єнота міста (Android) v1.0

Музика з Кашина на радіо "KCHT"

Історії єнота міста - мобільний порт
