Manual DriveBy Refixed
CatchyKetchup et al.
54.74 Кб
12 лютого 2025
Всього завантажень: 6068
Унікальних завантажень: 4669
unusual liberty
Ggggghhhhhhh jjh

The Friki Swagger

Дон Дегули








Dalgerie Theme

















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12 лютого 2025v.25.02.12manual-driveby-refixed_1739392694_216830.zipПароль на архів: libertycity
This mod allows free aiming and shooting from inside cars. It is based on the latest version of Manual Driveby Remake from Mixmods (last updated on 07/03/2022) and includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.
Update v.25.02.12
- Fixed a bug causing the "NextWeaponOrRadio" key and the "FreeLineOfSight" function to not work correctly.
- You can keep your .ini file from previous version (v.25.02.05 and v.25.02.08)
Update v.25.02.08
- Added an optional script for fixing the shootrate of NPCs. It uses the data from the weaponconfig in the .ini file and only affects the shootrate of the driveby, which normally is the same with every weapon. (Ignores weapon.dat)
- Type the cheatcode "MOMSREVENGE" if you want your homies to be like Rambo.
Update v.25.02.05
- Fixed a rare random crash (0x77324676 and similar)
- Fixed nitro activation with gamepad control type '1' when finishing to aim.
- Added option "OnlyWhileAiming": Makes the specified buttons and their respective changes of the radio switch or sidelook function only active while aiming.
- Added option "TweakFOV": Sets zoom level according to the current car camera distance.
- Added option "FreeLineOfSight": Makes the car invisible if it blocks the line of sight too much.
- Added option for modders to make specified weapons selectable in the car without driveby activation.
Hotfix (25.01.10)
- Fixed an issue that caused bugs because of wrong script initialization, please download again.
Update v.25.01.09
- Finally managed to take full control of the shoot rate. Now, you can decrease and increase it for each weapon and skill level. In addition, you have full control over the variety of weapons you want to enable in the vehicle, also allowing certain weapons to be available only at specified skill levels.
- Added another gamepad control option which will let you aim and shoot with L1 and finish with Circle
- Fixed wrong weapon wheel direction with mouse wheel
- Fixed some more bugs related to leaving the vehicle
- For some extra fun, type the cheatcode 'MYNAMEISRAMBO' and see what happens. ;)
Main Features:
- Fully configurable key settings and mouse wheel support for weapon switching.
- Improved and fixed gamepad support.
- Fixes autoswitching to the submachine gun.
- Fully configurable shootrate and availability of each weapon.
- Correct direction of the weapon wheel.
- Fixes an issue where nitro is triggered when shooting. Now only the secondary fire button activates it.
- Fixes a conflict on bicycles between bunnyhop and aiming.
- Fixes a bug with visible gun during bunnyhops (useful with MixSets by Junior_Djjr).
- Ability to fall off the bike while aiming.
- Fixes a bug causing the car to move while aiming and pressing E or Q.
- Fixes a bug that causes the crosshair to get larger after the first shot.
- Fixes a bug with still visible crosshair and camera zoom when exiting a car.
- Option to automatically close the car’s windows when leaving.
- Implemented option to still use vanilla driveby if you press the firebutton before the "look left/ right" button.
- Ability to aim as passenger.
- Option to switch weapons during the driveby missions "Just Business" and "End of the line".
- Option to disable manual driveby during missions.
- Option to bypass any vehicle of your choice.
- Enhanced camera options.
- Improved animations by ArtemQa146.
- Compatible with void's Modernized Driveby Mod.
- Compatible with "Weapon Zoom Unlimited" Mod.
Known issue with "First Person Mod 3.0/ 3.5":
- The camera turns backwards when finishing aiming in first person view.
- I added some options that help with this but it isn't fixable from this mod. It must be fixed in first person mod.
Installation Instructions:
- Place the folder "Manual Driveby Refixed" in your modloader.
- Delete old versions of "Manual Driveby Remake".
- Check out the .ini file to customize everything to your liking.
- If you want to use the old animations, replace the .ifp file with the one in the optional folder,
- for complete vanilla animations, just delete the .ifp file.
- CLEO+ required
- ginput recommended for gamepad users
- Original Author: ThirteenAG
- Fixes and improvements: Junior_Djjr
- Original animation (.ifp) author: Zacthe_nerd
- Improved animation (.ifp) author: ArtemQa146
- Refixed: CatchyKetchup
Screenshots: ratboo, MegacraftGames
Special Thanks: ArmanCan, H4D3S_HUEHUE, KaiQ, Kaoru Tanamachi, BrandonBaja, vladvo, ArtemQa146, K29, Bennymax, Cattuba and cemeteryblunts
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