Enhanced Parachute
15.36 Кб
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Унікальних завантажень: 463
Before we start off with the description all credits goes to "ZaZ" for the original script called "Parachute Fast Performance" this is an improved version of his script.
His original script can be found here.
Parachutes were annoying for some time especially when you almost hit the ground and you open it last second but you don't make it, this script fixes that and more!
This script blocks off the original parachute script and replaces it with this one instead.
What this mod includes:
- Fall damage fix (no more instant death if you got more than 165 health and hit the ground with the parachute)
- Better controllability (increase/decrease velocity + faster landing)
- Can do flips mid air! (BUGGY! press and hold the "VEHICLE ENTER/EXIT" key)
- Different landing animations would play depending on your speed when landing (Steady, Rough, Speedy)
- Fixed landing animation!
How to install: install CLEO and put the "CLEO" folder in your GTA folder.
Parachute Controls:
Controlling the parachute is similar to the original with a few tweaks.
With open parachute:
- Either press forward to decrease your speed and land faster or press backwards to increase your speed and glide for longer.
Skydive with closed parachute:
- Press [VEHICLE ENTER/EXIT] to do flips in X-axis.
On foot and on ground:
- Press P and [SPRINT-KEY] to give player a parachute.
- Press P and [JUMP-KEY] to teleport into the sky and start parachuting.
On foot when falling:
- Press P when falling to teleport into the sky and start parachuting.
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enhanced-parachute_1719149826_365203.zipЗавантажити (0.02 MB)Пароль на архив: libertycity
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