Ambulance FIX
A simple correction mod that fixes the wheels and some details of the San Andreas ambulance. It may seem somewhat imperceptible, but the rear wheels of the emergency vehicle were level, the left wheel was well inside the body, while the right wheel was further out, and a part inside the wheel was touching, following the logic making it impossible for the wheel turned.
The mod fixes all the problems mentioned above and slightly increases the width to match the wheels of a medium-sized vehicle like it.
At the suggestion of a member, a file from the same ambulance will come, however, with double rear axles, choose whichever suits you best.
PLEASE! If you post the mod on another site or on this one, leave credit to the author.
By: Simca Diplomatico.
Инструкции по установке
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ambulance-fix-gta-sa_1696717907_26064.rarЗавантажити (0.15 MB)Пароль на архив: libertycity