Perfect HUD - improved HUD with many options and adaptations(Update2)

28 вересня
Today I present to you the best UI configs ever made!
My configs are adapted to EVERYTHING:
- Ace Statbox (recommended);
- Achievement system (only Ace Statbox and MH Statbox has a small problem);
- Adrenaline System;
- Optional Nitro system (only on MixMods server);
- Restored icons;
- SpeedoSA (only around the radar skin and more can be found on the MixMods website);
- Wanted Profile System;
- Advanced Track Player (ATP).
WARNING: Do not use the regular Statbox! You can only choose Mobile Statbox (MH) or Ace Statbox. Also disable the Statbox mobile HUD if you will be using Ace Statbox!
Make sure to check each file to see what you want. The base folder includes everything that is styled for the PC version. You know what you'll be installing if you're interested since the screenshots are in the folders.
New Update! :
Updated the stars size
Update 2 :
Fixed and updated every Mobilehud.dat (PC styled and mixsets patch)
New Restored Icons config for mixsets patch
My archive includes configurations only exclusively! MAKE SURE YOU REPLACE ALL THE FILES YOU CHOOSE! Download each mod you will be using, such as Mobile HUD etc. For Mobile Hud replace the dat file, for each CLEO mod replace it in the CLEO folder. Also don't forget to replace the fxt files if they exist! For ATP, replace the ini in the ATP folder in the root folder.
Some folders need some attention to avoid errors.
Рекомендовані файли

Яскраві іконки карти на HUD

Mobile Hud від DK22Pac + налаштування від liuuil

HUD Colors

Tagging up Turf Fix + Improvements

SA Style SUPER Parachute Texture Pack (+ FrankoU_28's Improved Model)

Improved Gangs War

HD -інтерфейс, тонкий і карта

Подвійний Russifier (MSKL & Sanltd)

Емоція 98.3 (авансовий гіпс Trask)

Зимовий мод-пак

GTA 4 Стиль Піктони стилю

Нові ікони

GTA: Daisies v0.1

Брудний поліцейський зі Східного Друдініна: Глава 1 - Початок дій