Deadly Weapons (SA)
This is the deadly weapons mod introduced to GTA SA!
Weapons are extremely accurate and deadly at the same time feel free to cheat if you think the game's too hard like this.
- CJ automatically has the gangster skill level for all weapons at the start;
- You can dual wield some weapons now at hitman skill level such as silenced pistol or even the desert eagle;
- The silenced pistol now has the same stats as the colt45 (because it doesn't make sense for a silencer to increase accuracy AND damage);
- You can move and shoot at any skill level;
- And so much more!
How to install: put the "data" folder in your GTA SA folder.
There are also backups in case you want to go back.
Bonus: if you think the game's too hard and you don't want to cheat then get PedSkills.
Then you have the folder called "PedSkills" that came with the mod inside it there is an ini file install the mod and then use the configuration that I provided with the mod to make the game a little easier and some missions passable.
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deadly-weapons-sa_1697913528_569311.zipЗавантажити (0.01 MB)Пароль на архив: libertycity
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