Mai Shiranui in Casual Clothing
Misaki Yutsuki / Model Team Ninja / Tecmo alex189
9.14 Мб
Всього завантажень: 894
Унікальних завантажень: 725
Mai Shiranui with long brunette hair in Korean style in casual clothing. Mai Shiranui is a character in the Fatal Fury series. She debuted in Fatal Fury 2 as the last heiress of the Shiranui ninja and Andy Bogard's girlfriend. She also appears in almost every game of The King of Fighters series (except KOF XII), being one of the founding members of the female fighter team along with King and Yuri Sakazaki.
This is a head replacement modification.
I am not the owner or creator of any assets. All rights belong to their respected creators. The authors are the following people:
- Model Team Ninja / Tecmo alex189;
- Misaki Yutsuki / Miyata Yutsuki.
Features of this modification:
- Quality character model;
- High-quality textures;
- Skeleton model made correctly;
- No flaws or bugs are observed;
- Works properly with graphics mods like SADirectX 2.0 or 3.0.
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mai-shiranui-casual_1687924209_175287.zipЗавантажити (9.14 MB)Пароль на архив: libertycity
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