APK v2.0 - High FPS customizer (+FLA 7.1 and AML 1.1 sup)
apk-v2-0-high-fps-customizer-fla-7-1_1698417305_353392.7zЗавантажити (17.95 MB)Пароль на архів: libertycity
-You need a device that supports high scanning frequency
more than 60 to set FPS higher than 60! If
no, it just works at maximum capacity
that your device can scan!
— This is just a launcher! you have to make sure
that you have all your data working
the game's animations or at least the game's obb.
you can find it on google!
-In the task of learning to drive at the driving school
You should lower the FPS to 30 to pass
through the car flipping mission!
-FPS levels that are too high will cause the device to crash
you are so hot!
-You should have a mod that fixes threading errors
and expand distribution! you can find
see it here:
-Decompress the file
-Move or copy folders
com.rockatargames.gtasa to android/data
select overwrite (if required)
-Install launcher FLA_7.1-AML_1.1-GTA_2.0
-Open the game and enjoy!
Рекомендуемые файлы
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