Updated Artict3 Trailer
Roadtrain 055
154.83 Кб
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bagboxa.dff, bagboxb.dff, handling.cfg, vehicles.ide
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16 квітня 2022artict3-road-train-mod_1650141175_688344.zip
The game has a trailer that has a flat part behind it — artict3. Many people have already tried to attach another trailer to it, but without success. But how about granting that little wish? Today I bring to your attention the Artict 1/3 roadtrains. I left them as similar to the originals as possible, and Artict1 has 2 versions: With logos and without logos. The trailers were made for Linerunner, but can be linked to other trucks in the game.
Don't edit without my permission and have a great game everyone!
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